Originally from Louisiana, they developed a love for ferries early in life. Seeking out ferry locations in Louisiana and southern Arkansas, they would travel miles out of their way, much to the dismay of their fellow passengers, just for the opportunity to ride across some sluggish bayou or rapidly flowing river on an outdated mode of transportation called a "ferry boat."
Living in the southwest since the '70's, Bryan and Gary spend as much time as possible running rivers when they aren't trying to make a living.
Early in 2009, Dr. Brown proposed to Cash that they "research ferries in the southwest. Maybe come up with a book or something."
And so the adventure began.

Gary Cascio
GARY CASCIO is a graphic designer and photographer living and working in Santa Fe. While he has never written a book, he has read quite a few. And, in his 30+ years as a designer, he's designed one or two. Born in Louisiana from a union of southern Mississippians and Sicilians from Cefalu, Sicily, he headed west to New Mexico after deciding he and his darling child bride could save a lot of money on gas if they moved there instead of visiting constantly. When not running his design firm, Late Nite Grafix, Inc., he can usually be found running rivers with his old pal, Dr. Gonzo.

Bryan Brown
BRYAN BROWN is a retired biologist living in Salt Lake City who appreciates history and rivers. He has worked for the National Park Service, various universities, and as an environmental consultant. Books written by him include "The Colorado River Through Grand Canyon: Natural History and Human Change" (1992) with Steven Carothers and "Grand Canyon Birds: Historical Notes, Natural History, and Ecology" (1987) with Carothers and Roy Johnson, both published by the University of Arizona Press. He has a Ph.D. in wildlife ecology from the University of Arizona. He was born in Louisiana.